Copywriter, Editor and Writer.

A little about me

As an Italian copywriter, editor, translator, and writer, I am dedicated to crafting captivating narratives and impactful prose that elevate prestigious brands and businesses. My academic background includes graduating in foreign languages, holding a diploma in translation, and currently completing a professional course in Internet journalism at the London School of Journalism.

With expertise in creating stories that forge authentic connections and words that inspire action, I bring over eight years of experience in copywriting, lead generation, and content strategy. My versatile skill set has been honed through collaboration with online magazines, blogs, agencies, retail, and e-commerce platforms, ensuring that each project receives the attention to detail and linguistic finesse it deserves.

How can I help you?

I specialize in crafting bespoke, professional articles designed to meet your unique needs. My strategic approach ensures that your content not only resonates with your target audience but also ranks well on search engines.

Should you wish to review my publications and portfolio, please feel free to reach out to me privately.

Furthermore, I am open to customized requests and long-term collaborations, providing bespoke solutions tailored to your unique requirements.

My services

Copywriting - English and Italian

Elevate your brand with captivating copy tailored to your desired clientele. Specializing in wellness, yoga, sports, luxury, and travel content, I breathe life into your campaigns by infusing clarity and coherence into your messaging across all touchpoints, including:

- Brand and marketing assets

- Print and packaging materials

- Point of sale displays

- Websites

- Email communications

Additionally, I offer expertise in developing the voice and tone for new businesses and brand refreshes, ensuring your message resonates effectively with your target audience. Let's craft compelling narratives that captivate and convert.

Editing and Proofreading - Italian

Crafting flawless messaging tailored to perfection, I specialize exclusively in Italian editorial services. Whether you need to finesse your communications by enhancing existing collateral or require:

- Proofreading

- Copyediting

- Sub-editing

I am dedicated to ensuring your content shines with precision and clarity. Let's refine your message together.

Creative translation - Italian

Impeccable transcreation and creative translation from English into Italian.

- Comprehensive planning, development, and execution of content marketing strategies.

- Human enhancement and sensitivity checking of machine-translated and transcreated copy, ensuring authenticity and resonance with your audience.

Client review

"Excellent writing and organization! Highly recommend to anybody looking for content for their website or product descriptions!"

Client review

"This is another project done very well and I am so glad i was able to find someone who knows exactly what she needs to do and does it perfectly every time. Thank you !"